Exposing & Overpowering Demonic Cobwebs – ebook


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The popular movie, “Spider-Man” is an actual play of the reality that surrounds us as men. There is more to life than meets the eye. Many happenstances in this world are provoked by forces which are not visible to the naked eye. Yet, these powers have afflicted many believers and unbelievers alike due to ignorance.

This timely book; Exposing and Overpowering DEMONIC COBWEBS, exposes the evil spider spirit possessed by men classified as spidermen. The phenomenon of cobweb manipulation is one of the most lethal instruments of divination that is employed in the dark world against believers and humanity in general to wrought many malicious deeds. Though there are many instruments of divination, this mechanism is responsible for the caging and carnage of myriads of destinies and souls of men, both in and out of the church.

Yet, littered in the scriptures are insightful truths to overpower these wicked spider spirits and spidermen. This book places in your hands, the knowledge of these potent tools to handle any form of cobweb manipulation in your life and in your environment.

Also included in this book are 70 fiery prayer bullets for your sure victory over all the power of the enemy.


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