Decoding The Mystery of Body Marks: A Biblical Perspective of Birthmarks, Moles, Scars and Tattoos – ebook

(2 customer reviews)


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This book is a fascinating exploration of the diverse marks that adorn our bodies. Though the topic of the mystery of the body may appear unfamiliar to those encountering this information for the first time, it behoves one to take note of it given the ample biblical evidence supporting its significance. Beginning with Cain in the book of Genesis to the advent of the anti-Christ in the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the significance of marks in protecting, identifying, and even granting privileged access to people is unmistakable.


Scripture declares that your body is the temple of God. As the temple of God, your body must have special significance before God. In the Old Testament, the physical temple held such great importance that God meticulously outlined every aspect that should be incorporated into it, even to the least detail of the markings on its walls and curtains, which all had special symbolic meanings. However, the temple of your body, in which God Himself resides, surpasses it in grandeur and importance. Your body is God’s house and every organ or feature has significance including the marks on your body.


Through detailed analysis and insightful commentary, this book uncovers the hidden messages behind body marks, exploring their significance in a biblical context, and their connections to spirituality, health, and well-being.

2 reviews for Decoding The Mystery of Body Marks: A Biblical Perspective of Birthmarks, Moles, Scars and Tattoos – ebook

  1. Eric Alabi Ally

    A book compare to none!

  2. alfredotengk

    A true mystery revealed only from a true revelation in Christ. Pastor Obed indeed a blessing.

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